1 ) An Economic Analysis of FPOs in the State of Andhra Pradesh: A Comparative Study Based on Business Strategy
Prabha Yenduri2 ) COVID-19 and Dynamics of Food Insecurity in Eastern India: Evidence from Analysis of a Panel Survey
Anjani Kumar3 ) Enhancing Forecasting Accuracy of Palm Oil Import to India Using Machine Learning Techniques
C.Sarada4 ) Modeling Time Series with Asymmetric Volatility and Long Memory
debopam rakshit5 ) Perceptual Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility on Upliftment of Rural Households in Punjab
Alisha chauhan6 ) Economic Dynamics of Household Income, Consumption Expenditure and Poverty among Agricultural Households in Mountainous States of India
Shakir Hussain7 ) Understanding the Drivers of Continued Use of Online Food Delivery Platforms among Indian Consumers
Nitin Kumar8 ) Who are the Owners of Plant Genetic Resources? An Analysis Based on the Status and Trends of Registration under the PPVFR Act 2001
P.Indira Devi10 ) Dynamics and Determinants of Crop Diversification Under Natural Farming Regime in Arunachal Pradesh: Application of Tobit Model
Snehal Athawale