Shiv Kumar , S. S. Yeligar , P. Venkatesh , I. Kingsly , Manjeet Singh Nain2 ) Fruit Frenzy: Evolving Consumption and Demand Trends in South India
K. Thomas Felix and K.B. Ramappa3 ) Spicing Up India’s Economy with Trade Performance of King and Queen of Spices
Yazhini4 ) Dynamics of Market Integration and Price Transmission in Tomato Crop: Evidence from India
Shubham5 ) Forecasting of Retail Price Rise in Tomato, Onion and Potato Commodities in India
G.K. Vani6 ) Determinants of Marketing Channel for Tomato, Onion, and Potato (TOP) Producers in India: Evidence from the Large-Scale Household Survey
Ramadas Sendhil7 ) Battling Climatic Shifts: Vulnerability of Coffee-Based Farm Households and Resilient Practices in Coffee Farms, Wayanad, Kerala@
A. C. Anjitha8 ) Extent and Determinants of Crop Diversification: Empirical Evidence from Kashmir Valley
Seerat Sajjad9 ) Economic Transformation and Fostering Sustainable Growth through Cashew Research Investment in the Konkan Region of Maharashtra State
P. J. Kshirsagar10 ) Can Drip Method of Irrigation Transform Yield and Income of Horticultural Crops? Evidence of Five Crops from Tamil Nadu@
A. Narayanamoorthy11 ) Unveiling the Export Potential of Northeast India Pineapple: A Revealed Comparative Advantage
Dharmik Borisagar13 ) Exploring India’s Dairy Export Competitiveness: Insights from a Gravity Model Analysis
Kashish Arora14 ) Exploring Livestock and Agricultural Income Poverty among Farming Households: Study Based on Mirzapur District of Uttar Pradesh
Alok Kumar Pandey15 ) Comprehensive Evaluation of Fodder Deficits and Carrying Capacity in Livestock Sector of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh@
Shabir Ahmad Wani16 ) Yield Gap in Milk Production and its Determinants in East Khasi Hills of Meghalaya
Jabir Ahmed17 ) Value Chain Analysis of Broilers in Punjab – Journey from Farm to Fork
Amarjot Singh Chahal, Parminder Kaur18 ) Role of Goat Farming in Livelihood Security of Rural Households in Union Territory of Puducherry
A. Pouchepparadjou19 ) Assessing Assam’s Fish Seed Production Gap and its Implications on Food Security and Sustainable Aquaculture
Pompi Dutta20 ) Mitigating Climate Impact: A Machine Learning Approach to Forecast Methane Emissions from Indian Livestock
Anbukkani Perumal21 ) Optimising Efficiency of Ring Seine Fishing Vessels Using DEA: A Resource and Catch Analysis
V. Chandrasekar22 ) Delivering Affordable Nutrition Security through Fish: Evidence from a Rural Village in Telangana
Gummadi Sridevi23 ) Scenario of Goat Rearing and Marketing of Goats and their Product – A Case Study in West Bengal)
R. C. Mondal24 ) Input Use and Socio-Economic Status of Farmers: A Case of Paddy Cultivation in India
Avanindra Nath Thakur25 ) Changing Dynamics of Secondhand Tractor Markets in Punjab: An Institutional Innovation Perspective
Sukhpal Singh26 ) Impact of Formal Seed Sources on Smallholder Farming in India: Evidence from NSS Survey using Propensity Score Matching
Sukhendu Nandi28 ) Can Access to Institutional Credit Promote Adoption of Improved Technology? A Case of Biofertilizer Use among the Indian Paddy Farmers
S. Pavithra29 ) Drone Technology: Unlocking the Potential of Agricultural Input through Services Market in Pondicherry District
C. Saranya30 ) Intellectual Property Rights and Competition Interplay in the Indian Seed Sector
P.A. Lakshmi Prasanna31 ) Household Access to Institutional Agricultural Credit: Performance and Key Determinants
Sunil Naik,32 ) Drivers of Climate-Smart Practices Adoption: Evidence from Punjab
Smily Thakur33 ) Revisiting India’s Pulse Supply Response for Asymmetry: A Case Study on Chickpea in Madhya Pradesh
Oscar de Ataide34 ) Impact of Resource Conserving Technology on Cropping Pattern in Punjab and Haryana
Rohit Rana35 ) Rapporteur’s Report on Transforming Horticulture for Sustainable Growth in India
S.H. Baba36 ) Rapporteur’s Report on Sustaining Livelihoods: The Role of Livestock, Poultry and Fisheries in Rural Economy
D. Bardhan37 ) Rapporteur’s Report on Innovations in Agri-Input and Services Market Towards Sustainable Agriculture
Prem Chand