
Indian Society of Agricultural Economics

The aims of the Society were initially limited to promoting the investigation, study, and improvement of the economic and social conditions of agriculture and rural life. With the expansion of the scope of the Society’s work, the Constitution was amended in 1963, 1969, 1975 and 1992. The objectives of the Society as now defined are “to promote the study of social and economic problems of agriculture and the rural areas and also to promote technical competence for teaching and research in agricultural economics and allied subjects.”
These objectives are sought to be achieved by

  1. Undertaking, organising, and co-ordinating research in problems of agricultural economics and rural development and maintaining a research library and documentation centre.
  2. Holding periodical conferences and seminars and training courses.
  3. Publishing books, reports, papers or summaries of papers either separately or collectively, or in a periodical which may be issued under the auspices of the Society.
  4. Co-operating with other institutions having similar objectives such as the International Association of Agricultural Economists, the Indian Economic Association, etc.