  1. Subjects: The objective of the Journal is to provide a forum for dissemination and exchange of findings of research on agricultural, food and natural resource economics. Purely descriptive material is not appropriate for such a journal. Papers dealing with
    1. New developments in research and methods of analysis.
    2. Applying existing empirical research methods and techniques to new problems or situations.
    3. Testing new hypotheses/theoretical formulations or modifications of existing theories or policies to explain economic phenomena, especially in the Indian context.
    4. Research-based papers by authors presenting new facts or data in an analytical framework.
    Younger economists are advised to seek guidance from their seniors in preparing the paper for the Journal. A one-page statement indicating the author's own assessment of the importance and relevance of the findings reported in the paper in the context of recent research would be preferred.
  2. Submission: Papers not exceeding 8000 words, including tables and appendices (but exclusive of footnotes and references), typed on A4 pages with margins of at least 1.5 inches on all sides, should be submitted electronically by email to isaeindia1939@gmail.com. Authors may submit additional supporting material for evaluation. Abstracts not exceeding 100 words should be submitted in duplicate. References should follow APA style as we are planning to implement DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for each paper.
  3. Processing Fees: Each paper should be submitted electronically along with a processing fee of Rs. 600/- (US $25.00 or €15.00) via M.O., Demand Draft, or NEFT in favor of the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics. Receipts will be sent by mail unless a physical copy is requested with an advance payment of Rs. 100/- for postal charges.
  4. Author's Identification: To maintain anonymity during the review process, authors should avoid disclosing their identity in the text. A separate page should include the name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s) along with any bibliographical information or acknowledgments.
  5. Mathematical Notations: Only essential mathematical notations should be used as typesetting is costly. All statistical formulae must be neatly typed.
  6. Figures, Charts, and Tables: Professional assistance should be sought when preparing figures and charts to ensure they are suitable for reproduction. Roman numerals may be used for tables.
  7. Footnotes: Footnotes should be numbered consecutively using plain Arabic superscripts.
  8. References and Citations: Only cited works should be included in the reference list. Authors must follow the citation style used in previous issues of the Journal.
  9. General:While sending papers the authors should state that the material has not been published elsewhere or is not being published or being considered for publication elsewhere. According to our editorial policy, while authors are welcome to submit multiple papers, we only consider one paper per author (or any joint authors) for publication in each regular issue. No correspondence will be entertained on the papers rejected by the Editorial Board.
  10. Reprints:The authors can either download the soft copy or request for soft copy of the paper without any additional charges. However, no free reprints (hard copy) of the paper would be given to the author. An author can obtain a hard copy of the paper in PDF format at Rs.500/- per article.
  11. Publication Ethics: Authors are expected to comply with publication ethics. The guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), https://publicationethics.org/, will be the basis, including for resolution of any doubt or dispute. Authors are also required to disclose any possible conflict of interest.
  12. Printing and Publishing Information:
    • Printer: Mrs. Vijaya Venkatesh; Type-setting on Postscript laser printer at the Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, Mumbai - 400 063.
    • Place of Printing: Shree Mudra, 181, Shukrawar Peth, Shinde Ali, Pune - 411002.
    • Publisher: Mrs. Vijaya Venkatesh.
    • Registered Office: Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, 46-48, Esplanade Mansions, Mahatma Gandhi Road, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001.
    • Submission Address: Indian Society of Agricultural Economics, C-104, First Floor, Sadguni Complex I, Near Vagheshwari, Gen A.K. Vaidya Marg, Goregaon (East), Mumbai - 400 063 (India).